Saturday, January 19, 2008

David Duband @ Clementi

Shared this with E with a serving of fried rice and roast duck.

2004 David Duband Chambolle-Musigny (half bottle)
Intense aroma from the first pour. Initial impression was the nose of newspapers or dried leaves being burned. A while later another distinctive aroma emerged. The smell of vegetable stalls in the wet market! Hidden behind this vegetable aroma was a merlot-y smell. Indeed a very unique nose. One friend said that it reminded him of mushrooms.

On the palate it was rather diluted but clearly with red cherry flavors characteristic of pinot. Kind of like how diluted Ribena tastes like. Quite acidic and leaves a warm feeling in the mouth and chest. Signs that it is shutting down? Personally it’s a miss for me but E enjoyed it more.

Wine bought from J&D Burleigh.

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